Title: Self Analysis. Date 2022
The magic of art allows us to imagine a scenario in which we can unravel situations, emotions, memories that are lodged in our personal history.
SketchNothing more fascinating than to be able to contemplate in all its intensity the reaction to such circumstances. Self-analysis is a call to attend to pending processes that need to be attended to with complete attention.
Title: Entities IV. Date 2022Entidades IV, is mothered by oyster, the product is woman and pearl, at the same time, it has been carefully made by the mother oyster, who gives it to the world to discourse in it. This work reflects on the continuous dwelling within different entities, being contained, received, in different spaces - beings, in which emotion, thought and body are deposited and from the environment a unique identity is forged, which perpetuates the origin of the personality, biology and education.
Title: Woman in the Self. Date 2022